Easy Ways To Deal with Shoulder & Neck Pain

Tips to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain

Shoulder & Neck Pain – An Overview

Neck and shoulder pain often occur together. The pain can range from mild to very severe. It is usually the result of a strain or sprain. Various lifestyle factors are generally the reason for neck and shoulder pain. These include incorrect posture, bad diet, and stress. Making changes in these problem areas can mostly prevent and relieve neck and shoulder pain. Let’s look at the areas to focus on to make simple changes to enjoy neck and shoulder pain relief…

Common Causes of Shoulder & Neck Pain

Shoulder and neck pain are common, whether as a result of one’s occupation or tension in the area of the body. Slouching is one of the main causes of shoulder and neck pain. A posture that is hunched, bent at the middle or leaning slightly to one side invariably leads to neck and shoulder issues. Add to that, an increase in the hours spent sitting. Most of us spend hours hunched at work in front of our computers. Leisure time is also invariably spent plonked on our sofas in front of the TV or bent over our smartphones. This is the ideal recipe for shoulder and neck pain problems. The problem is made worse by other issues such as muscle strain, awkward sleeping positions, stress, overexertion and age. These factors put additional pressure on the shoulders and neck, leading to pain issues.

Easy Neck and Shoulder Pain Remedies

Wondering how to get rid of pain in the neck and the shoulders? Here are some easy and best ways to achieve neck and shoulder pain relief…

  • Neck and shoulder massage
  • Use a single pillow at night
  • Sit straight at your desk or steering wheel
  • Stretch your neck and shoulders
  • Increase the strength of your neck
  • Improve the strength of your shoulder muscles
  • Learn to manage your stress
  • Bring the necessary changes in your diet
  • Ensure your neck is warm
  • Apply arnica gel for pain relief

Dealing With Shoulder & Neck Pain – An Explanation

The Tps to relieve neck and shoulder pain shared above can be extremely helpful in dealing with shoulder and neck pain, as they provide cues on how to get rid of pain in the neck. Pain elimination is one of the surprising benefits of massage if you’re wondering how to ease neck pain. Following these tips can help to improve our posture, provide relief from pain, help us recover quicker and prevent stiffness, aches and pains from occurring repeatedly.

  1. Neck and shoulder massage – The main purpose of neck and shoulder massage is to eliminate the tension and the spasms from the muscles. There are also surprising benefits of massage. A neck and shoulder massage improves circulation as well as encourages relaxation. Improved circulation results in more oxygen and nutrients reaching the problem areas. This will speed up recovery; another of the surprising benefits of massage.
  2. Use a single pillow at night –  Avoid using multiple pillows while sleeping as this leads to the head being positioned at an unnatural angle. Also avoid sleeping on your front. Sleeping on your side or back are easiest on the neck. If you sleep on your back, choose a rounded pillow to support the natural curve of your neck, with a flatter pillow cushioning your head. If you sleep on your side, keep your spine straight by using a pillow that is higher under your neck than your head. These are recommended ways to relieve neck pain.
  3. Sit straight at your desk or steering wheel – Sit with your bo#om touching the back of the chair. Place a rolled-up towel behind the small of your back to help you sit straighter. While driving, ensure that your steering wheel is close. When sitting at your computer, ensure your screen is at the same level as your eyes. This will help with neck and shoulder pain relief.
  4. Stretch your neck and shoulders – Other ways to relieve neck pain include gentle stretching which is a great way to release tension. Here are two simple and easy exercises to practice for those wondering how to ease neck pain.
    • Tilt your head to one side. At the same time, lower (drop) the opposite shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Ensure that the stretch doesn’t hurt but simply use the weight of your head to ease out tension. Repeat this exercise on the other side.
    • Look squarely over one shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other shoulder. Hold again for 30 seconds.
  5. Increase the strength of your neck – As we spend a lot of time slumped forward over a screen, we need to counteract it by making our neck muscles stronger. Try these simple, effective exercises if you’re looking for how to get rid of pain in the neck:
    • Lie on your back, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth and move your chin towards your chest while keeping the back of your head on the floor. Hold for five seconds. Then lift your head up and forward and hold for another five seconds.
  6. Improve the strength of your shoulder muscles – Our shoulder muscles lose fitness and tone mainly due to lack of exercise. Much of the pain experienced in our neck is caused by such deconditioned muscles between our shoulder blades. We can strengthen our shoulder muscles by this simple exercise: Squeeze your shoulder blades together whilst standing, so your shoulders are pulled backward. Hold for a count of five each time. Repeat this exercise, for relieving neck and shoulder pain.
  7. Learn to manage your stress – Stress is a common cause of neck and shoulder pain. Due to stress, muscles in the neck and shoulders Tighten. This is known as tetany. In looking for ways to relieve neck pain, learn to manage stress by practicing breathing exercises, or yoga. If the pain affects your sleep, consult your medical or wellness practitioner for stress-reducing remedies.
  8. Make the necessary changes in your diet – The food we consume also has the power to increase or reduce neck and shoulder pain. Consuming plant foods is recommended. Plant foods are full of magnesium which helps tense muscles to relax. Avoid large amounts of tea as it prevents the absorption of magnesium in our body. Excitotoxins in certain foods also increase pain perception and should be avoided for relieving neck and shoulder pain. Chinese food which contains MSG and the sweetener aspartame contain excitotoxins and are best not consumed.
  9. Ensure your neck is warm – Keeping the neck warm helps relax the muscles and reduce pain. Wear a scarf when outdoors in the cold. At home, use heat pads and hot water bo#les and also have warm showers, for relieving neck and shoulder pain.
  10. Apply arnica gel for pain relief – Arnica gel provides fast relief from neck and shoulder pain and inflammation. You can apply this gel even if you are on pain medication, as it does not clash with other treatments. Using arnica gel also means your body does not have to deal with the side effects of oral medication. This makes it a good choice among tips to relieve neck and shoulder pain.
  11. Over 40? Consult a cranial osteopath – With age, most people develop a slight curvature of the spine, known as scoliosis. This could be the cause of neck pain. In cranial osteopathy, gentle manipulation is applied to the head and spine to harmonise the forces at work within our body. Using their hands, skilled practitioners gently mobilise the neck and cranium to release stress and tension. Older adults should see a specialist before trying any exercises and 6ps to relieve neck and shoulder pain, as a condition called cervical stenosis can often develop.